We had a busy and fun Christmas celebrating and giving. Thank you for attending to the need to bless people in Tijuana this Christmas. With your help we were able to buy 125 gifts, 105 for kids at the AMA Teen Center and another 20 for a church in Tijuana that had no gifts to bless the children.
We also bought 50 blankets to distribute between AMA Teen Center and our local church, La Peña. The response from all of you came just in time and it was overwhelming. We were able to do even more than what we had dreamed!
Thank you for helping and blessing the children and families. It was such a joy to be able to give them your gifts and hug them with the love of Jesus. As the New Year has started, we are again seeking the Lord for guidance in planning events. Please help us pray to discern and to carry out the Lord’s will in this ministry.
Blessings to you,
Ana Cristina Matus
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