The girls from our church are very excited for this year’s APV camp. One of them is 14-year-old Deborita. Many of you may remember her story.

In 2008, as our country was rampant with drug cartel violence there was a shootout in our neighborhood and two men from our congregation were killed outside our church. One of them was Debora’s father.

Deborita’s mother, as a single mom with a toddler, is not able to pay the $25, which is half a week of pay, that we ask the girls to contribute towards camp costs. Deborita is selling ice cream and fruit in an attempt to attend the camp.

We are approaching deadlines pay camp fees, please pray and consider contributing to this year’s camp and blessing and changing these girls’ lives. On behalf of Deborita and 299 more girls, thank you for allowing God to use you to fulfill this mission.


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